January 2019, Call for Manuscripts:
Printable Call For Papers 2019
Educational Planning, the refereed journal of the International Society for Educational Planning (ISEP), is published quarterly by ISEP which maintains the journal’s editorial office at 2903 Ashlawn Drive, Blacksburg, VA 24060, USA. The Journal is calling for manuscript submission for all the four issues of 2019. Educational Planning welcomes manuscripts relating to all aspects of international educational planning in, but not limited to, the following themes:
- The theoretical development of educational planning
- Educational planning practices
- Educational planning concept applications
- Professional observations of educational planning challenges
- Empirical studies on educational planning issues
The journal complies with the following schedule for publication:
- Winter Issue: Deadline for paper submission is January 31
- Spring Issue: Deadline for paper submission is April 30
- Summer Issue: Deadline for paper submission is July 31
- Fall Issue: Deadline for paper submission is October 30
Submission guidelines:
- Length of manuscript – limited to 8,500 words including abstracts, references, tables, figures and appendixes.
- Writing style – Adherence to APA Publication Guidelines, 6th
- Cover page – should include the manuscript title, author(s)’ name(s), official title(s), affiliation(s) and contact information.
- The manuscript – should be submitted in a separate file to include the paper title, a 200-word abstract, the paper itself, the references, the tables, the figures and the appendixes if any. The identity of the author(s) should not be disclosed at the paper for peer review.
Review Process:
All manuscripts submitted to Educational Planning for publication will be sent to Dr. Tak Cheung Chan, the Editor, with attachments in WORD files. (e-mail: tchan@kennesaw.edu) The manuscripts will first be screened by the editors for suitability to the planning themes of the journal. They will then be sent for peer review by at least two members of the editorial review board. In consideration of the reviewers’ comments, the editors will make decision and inform the author(s) of the decision of the editors for the manuscript to be published, to be rejected, to be revised and published, or to be revised and resubmitted for another review. A summary of the reviewers’ comments and recommendations on the manuscript will be shared with the author(s). The entire review process will take about four weeks. All the accepted manuscripts in their final publication format will be sent to the author(s) for final approval before publication. Author(s) of accepted manuscripts for publication will be asked to sign manuscript copyright release forms to Educational Planning before publication. All the issues of Educational Planning containing the manuscripts will be published online on the website of the Society for Educational Planning with printed hardcopies to be mailed to the authors.
All materials in the Journal are the property of ISEP and are copyrighted. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means electronically or mechanically including photocopy, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system without written permission from the publisher. Permission to use material generally will be made available by the editor to students and educational institutions upon written request.
- The Journal is assigned ISSN 1537-873X by the National Serials Data Program of the Library of
- Congress.
- The Journal is indexed in the H. W. Wilson Education Index.
- The Journal with its articles is a part of EBSCO Database.
- The Journal has a current 40% acceptance rate.
Educational Planning Staff:
The Editorial Review Board (17 international celebrity scholars of educational planning)
Editor: Dr. Tak Cheung Chan, Kennesaw State University
Associate Editors: Dr. Walter Polka, Niagara University; Dr. Peter Litchka, Loyola University
Assistant Editor: Dr. Holly Catalfamo, Niagara College
Print Office Director: Dr. Glen Earthman, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Online Manager: Dr. Angel Ford, George Washington University