David N. Wilson Lecture Series

The David N. Wilson Lecture was initiated to honor an ISEP member who was very prominent in the organization and at the same time a world renowned scholar in the field of Vocational Education. Dr. Wilson was associated with the University of Toronto.

The Wilson Lecture was first given at the 2007 conference held in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The Minnesota State Demographer, Dr. Thomas Gillaspy gave the first lecture on the use of demographic data in planning. At the 2009 conference ISEP Members voted to formalize these lectures by having a paid lecture given at each conference. Since that time, the David N. Wilson Lecture has been a standard feature at almost all conferences. The following individuals have presented the Wilson Lecture:

2023 – Alexandria, Virginia – Dr. Robert Johnson, St. Cloud State University, “Addressing Equity in Education in Challenging Political Environments in the United States of America”

2022 – Virtual – Dr. Sheadric Barbra, Mundy’s Mill High School, “Two Brothers—One Dream: Resiliency Against All Odds”

2021 – Virtual – Prakash Nair and Roni Zimmer Doctori, “Rebuild Schools to Reinvent Education”

2020 – Virtual – Dr. Walter S. Polka, Niagara University, “Managing Yourself and Others During “Punctuated Equilibrium Events” Like COVID -19: Surviving and Thriving as an Education Leader in Spite of It All!”

2019 – Lisbon, Portugal

2018 – Charleston, South Carolina – Dr. Sushma Marwaha, Niagara University, “From Mississauga to Mississippi: Reflections of Developing and Sustaining a Diversity Appreciation Mindset for Personal and Professional Success”

2017 – Toronto, Canada – Dr. Frank Calzi  “A Practical Look at the Personal and Professional Life of a School Leader.”

2016 – New Orleans, Louisiana, Dr. Henderson Lewis, New Orleans Schools Superintendent, “Planning the Unification of K-12 Public Education in New Orleans, LA USA”

2015 – Baltimore, Maryland – S. Dallas Dance, Superintendent, Baltimore County Public Schools, “Blueprint 2.0, A Five Year Strategic Plan Focused on Improving Academic, Safety, Communication and Organizational Effectiveness”

2014 – North Cyprus – Linda Lemasters, The George Washington University, “Improving Education through Planning: A Key to Educational Reform”

2013 – Niagara Falls, New York – Zheadric and Sheadric Barbra, “Two Brothers, One Dream”

2012 – Kansas City, Missouri – William D McInerney, Purdue University, “ A GEM of an Idea: The Corporate Vision for School Reform”

2011 – Budapest, Hungary – Glen I. Earthman, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, “The Case of the Misplaced Student Bodies”

2010 – Washington, DC – Ronald Lindahl and Robert Beach, Alabama State University, “Educational Planning Foci in ISEP Publications, 1974 to Present”

2009 – Savannah, Georgia

2008 – Istanbul, Turkey

2007 – Minneapolis, Minnesota –Thomas Gillaspy, Minnesota Department of Education, “Using Demographic tools in Educational Planning”